Sunday, January 27, 2008

Alligator Tears & Umbilical Cords

This week, Lori starting crying with tears. Kathy says they are alligator tears, to which Josh clarified by stating that they weren't attached to any emotion. They were just her tear ducts kicking into gear and making tears. But still. Seeing those tiny little water droplets leak from the corners of her eyes while she's screaming in hunger is heart wrenching.

And finally, as of today, my baby is now cord-free.

It fell off this afternoon.

No, I didn't save the cord. It looked nasty.

And that's all the new excitement.

Oh, that and Josh's Dad coming to visit for a few hours...

...and her heart's now the right size for her body...

...and I made over 5oz in one sitting...

...and I think I gave her colic by eating some pizza.

Oh! She's out grown some clothes. I think I'll have to take some time on Sunday afternoon to resort her clothes.

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