Sunday, August 26, 2007

Saturday Night = Roller Derby MADNESS

Disclaimer: Mom, Dad, Doctor, and Bosses - I did NOT skate. I did not take my skates out of the closet. I wanted to, but I didn't. My inner-Josh threatened horrible things to my skates if I put my hands on them. That said, happily read on!

Saturday night was Bout #1 of Season #1 for the South Texas Rolleristas! God damn am I excited!! This exciting to have contact with something like this, and better, to know that I was skating and will be skating with them. I'm on medical leave to care for Turtle-a for the time being and I simply can't wait to get back to the wheels. Anyway. The bout between the Fallout Brigade and the Traumakazees was badass! I didn't know who to scream for, so I screamed and cheered for EVERYONE! Thank you to Kitty Glitter and my hubby for taking pictures and video from the bout. I helped too by working the merchandise booth. Pistol Kitten called me a Merch Whore. Well, I can't help if I like selling things, can I?

I have so many pictures and videos, I want to find the best ones, and do a good update, but there's housework to do, and I've taken my break. back to work for me! More updates, soonish?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It's a girl!!!!

See the black arrow? Those are her tiny bits. Thank you, Turtle-a for mooning the camera!

And now, a few more pictures!
And now a view from the outside. YIKES! I look HUGE! Beached whale, anyone? This was from this past Saturday after a LONG day of moving in. Kristi was helping me learn the features on my camera, and we were playing with the black and white option. She helped me 'pose' and smoothed out my shirt. I'm only starting month five here, so what the hell? I guess, that's what I get for being pudgy, ne? While I look like a whale, Kristi... well, looks like a freakin' super model. Look at that!!! Sick.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Target Bay Registry updated

I've removed a few items from my baby registry.

  1. 4-in-1 convertable crib to bed - My mother has called dibs on this item.
  2. Rocking Chair & Ottoman - we took a look at this item in the store and it is not strong enough to support Josh. Sorry!
Next update: Are we buying pink or blue?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Moved In.

But still not COMPLETELY unpacked.
Alright, as promised, I busted butt to get things settled to the point where I didn't feel like a complete ass for taking some time to play on my computer. :) But what that does mean for all you lucky peoples out there in internet land is that I'm going to over load you with pictures!!
First picture out of the gate is my cat, Fuzzbutt (long story, i'll have to tell it to you sometime). This is back at the trailer. Josh had given me the camera on Wednesday night when I got home from work, so I took a moment from packing boxes to play with the camera (wouldn't you?!). And what a cute kitty cat I have!! Awwwwwwwwwww.......
Next up, on the right, is a picture of the lowest gas price I saw this week. $2.37 a gallon for Regular Unleaded. I'm always watching the ever-changing gas prices seeing as I fill up about once a week. Sucks working 30mins away from the house. Josh is the lucky one... He works 5 mins from the new place, so he fills up once a season.

Lucky bastard... :S
Anyway. On to the moving.
BW and his wife Barbara, Jonathan and his wife Vanity (I was playing with the black and white options after the move during the thank-you party), and Josh's brother Danny and his wife Kritsy.
My mom joined us as well, but I didn't get a picture of her. *cry* We did our best to get everything started by 10am, but as is typical for us, we got started late. By about 11am or so, the two trucks that had been offered to us to get the furniture moved showed up and the loading began in earnest.
Mom and I went to the new apartment ahead of the group to be
ready to direct traffic and see to the cleaning of all the stuff. Luckily, we were not alone. Grey and Brian showed up (no photos available) to help unload and clean. The cleaning, I might add, was an ordeal.
The old house, The Trailer, was infested with those tiny little brown cockaroaches. We had two types. We had the long skinny kind and the short fat, shiny, black and brown kinds. I'd search the internet for pictures of them, but honestly, I hope I never see one again. *shudder*
They were in EVERYTHING! The computers. The TV. The sofas. The books. The CDs. The ROUTER!!!! It was horrendous. I hated it. And the mold and mildew in the trailer. UGH! The front door's weather stripping was... well, I don't think it even had weather stripping. Whenever it would rain, water would get in. Then it would get hot. Mold city. And Josh is allergic. -sigh- BW would clean and spray and vacuum. I vacuumed too. The area rug, the sofas a little bit too.
Once items had cleared "inspection" they got dusted again, sprayed with antibacterials, then directed into the apartment. I was on traffic control detail early on. Box there, box here, chair there. Mom spent the day washing dishes and doing the urgent laundry. Vanity and I took time to 'rest' by sorting, folding, and hanging the already clean laundry.

But what, you ask, does the new apartment look like? Well, I'm SO glad you asked! :)

Here's the living room as seen from the front door. Josh is sitting at his computer and mine just finished booting up. There's still a few boxes lingering about. But that's to be expected. Off the living room is a small hallway where to two bedrooms are located. The door we see here is the door to baby's room.

I have more pictures, but I have to reformat them to portrait, otherwise they'll look all sideways crazy.

Until then, enjoy the fruits of my new digital camera!!

New Home

Yesterday, we moved.

The new place is very nice, and I'm learning the joys of all tile floors. Josh stayed up late to entertain the work crew that showed to help us move. All the furniture and boxes were at the new place by 3pm, and everything was as bug-free, dust-free, and fur-free as it could be made before entering the apartment by about 6pm.

Today, mom's coming back to help finish all the laundry. I don't think Josh is gaming today so we'll sort and unpack.

For my birthday this coming Monday, Josh got the family a digital camera. Well, he got ME a digital camera, but I'm a shutter-bug.

Next post: PICTURE MANIA! (Once we get my computer set up and I figue out how to download...)

Now: Breakfast and Sid Miers' Civ2.

PS: Fuzzbutt says hi to all, the new place is awesome. I'm going to hyper-turbo-rocket-mode and careen into the fridge!
*thud* muurr? =o.O='

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Is that gas?

No, it's just Baby.

I was lying in bed on Wednesday, chatting with Josh before falling asleep when I felt something so weird! It felt like when Fuzzbutt walks under my cloth bottomed camp chair while I'm sitting in it, and I can feel all the bumps from his head and shoulders and tail. Only, this feeling was inside, between my pelvic bone and my belly-button - dead center. I remembered that that's where Cris always puts sonogram things to see Baby. I told Josh immediately, and he just smiled.

"That was Baby," he said.

Wow... already? It all happens so fast!