Monday, April 28, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

It's been a rather uneventful week and weekend. Just a bunch of hanging out, napping, and laughing. Speaking of laughing, Linda and I were rolling after bath time Sunday night. "Drying the baby's hair!" Bouncie bouncie bouncie! Made me laugh so hard, I ended up with the hiccups! ^.^

Today was a fun day at school. I got to play "Sit up" some more! I love that game! It's super fun!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Today I play-played. I read a book-book, and played with a ball-ball, and tried to find a horse-horse.

(Momma's translation: She was building her receptive vocabulary through repetition.)

Monday, April 21, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Aside from me needing more water for school, everything's wonderful! I love Ms. Aurora and how she says hi to me every morning, and I love Ms. Maribel and how she tells me byebye every afternoon! Oh! I almost forgot! Today was AWESOME! I was learning to read today! I reminded me of Aunt Linda reading to me! "I Play" was the book's name, and it was so much fun! I can't wait until we read again!

Oh, and did I tell you? I signed my first word yesterday afternoon. Looked right at Momma and without any prompting, touched my thumb to my chin and kept my other fingers open wide in the sign for Momma. :) The look on her face was priceless!! I wish I was big enough to run the camera. She was SO happy!

Now, if only my arms would reach to my forehead, so I could sign for my Papa, I'd be a happier camper! ^.^

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Placebo Effect

As you may know by now, Lori's been having some congestion. It had gotten bad enough that when we told the doctor about it, she prescribed a decongestant medication to be given no more than .4ml every four hours as needed. Since last Saturday, we've had to give it to her on average of about once a day. Usually after bedtime, when she wakes up in the middle of the night cause I hear her starting to strangle. When, tonight, after getting home from derby, she's awake and fussing. Josh mentioned on the phone that she was asleep, so when I asked why she was awake and fussy, he said the TV might have been too loud. It happens. Loud noises and all. She's normally very good about sleeping through the TV, but oh well. She's a baby. No one can predict when she's going to say that tonight is the night that a pin dropping is going to wake her up and piss her off.

So, I'm getting her down, a bit of water, a dry diaper, fresh blankets, Binky, Bunny, Singing Turtle (Thanks Doris! She loves it!), you know: The Nightly Ritual. Night Papa. Night Momma. Night Light. Night Lori. Well, she's having trouble breathing, again, and she's kicking her feet in that "I'm not comfy, please console me now" motion I've come to know all too well. Hearing her struggling to breath through her nose (cuz she's sucking on Binky), I figure a dose of decongestant will help, as usual, to clear her nose so she can breath. It's hard to sleep when you can't breath. So, I get the dropper, measure out her meds, and move to her. I uncover Singing Turtle's light enough to see her mouth and the moment she spots the dropper she stops fussing and opens her mouth like a little birdie. Ooooookay. That's new. I put it in her mouth. Normally, she grabs at it like a bottle. Tonight, she very patiently drank it. The moment I gave her Binky back, she closed her eyes, rolled over onto Bunny and promptly fell asleep.

The paranoid voice that constantly tells me what a terrible Mother I am immediately started screaming. "OMG," it said, "Congratulations! You've just made your child a drug addict! Now she's going to start shooting up on heroine." And then the logical side of me went, "Chill out! She's 3months old. But this could be a problem. Is she fakig it to get the sweet yummy meds, or is it that she really is having trouble breathing?" So, I've made myself a mental note (after clearing it with Papa, of course!).

Tomorrow night, if she seems to be doing the Console Me NightTime Dance of Fussiness, I'll get the .4ml in her dropper... of plain ol' water, and then just dip the dropper into her meds so it TASTES like the meds. If she curls up with that and goes to sleep, she's just faking it. If she doesn't, then she really does need the meds and I'll try it again another night.

Josh commented that it sounded like something I might have done as I child cause I've told him that I love the taste of Grape Dimatapp and the pink Penicillin Bubblegum stuff. I'm weird. Lori will not be a drugg addict. OMG, shut up Psycho-Crazy Mom Voice! You just keep trying to tel lme I'm a Bad Mother! Go for it! I'm tough! I can take it! ANd I'll prove you wrong in the end.
Jackass Voice...

Friday, April 18, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Today was just a normal day at school. It was rainy though. I hadn't seen RAIN before. It was... kinda wet... and cold... and i think it'll be fun to play in...w hen i'm a bit older. :)

I talked to the mobiles at school and hung out. It was... nice! Turned into a beautiful day too. Sunny, breezy. I loved my afternoon outing!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Poor Momma! She came by to see me today on her way home from work. She wasn't feeling well and wanted a hug, but I was sleeping. :( Next time, Momma!

Papa picked me up instead. It was such a great surprise! I was so happy to see him, I smiled my biggest bestest smile!

I had fun today too. I played make-believe that I was a circus seal! I balanced a ball on my feet and would kick it up at my teacher!

Arr arr arr arr arr! I'm a seal!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Today, I played "Watch the Ball!" What a fun game! It's all about tracking a moving object with my eyes. Ms Aurora let me hold the ball then she'd roll it around and around for me so I could see it move. OMG! It was totally the best game ever! I've so got to get a ball now!

...wait! Doesn't Gramma Tere have ping pong balls I could play with?

-sigh- :S

If you're the one with the flexible job schedule, and I'm the one allowed to take the cold medicine that makes me Sleep, why was I the only one to hear Lori choking on her own mucus? Why was I the only one wide awake, struggling to clear her airways enough for her to be able to take her decongestant? Why was I the one wide awake at one in the morning, fretting over her next breath? Why are you still sleeping soundly, Mr. I have the Easy Job so you sleep and I'll listen for her?

I'm buying you a fucking cyber-ear so you can fucking hear! Goddammit! Did you even hear her choking? Did you even hear her struggling to breathe? No, probably not. Fuck, I wish it wasn't too late to go back and sue the shit out of that fucking crack-ass doctor that insisted you get tubes in your fucking ears! Cause, it's not your fault you can't hear for shit.

But I can be pissed at you for not getting up with I called your attention and asked for some fucking help, you cocksucker!


I'm going to go have a good cry, then try to sleep more. Wish me fucking luck, cyber-world. I may not be able to sleep for straining to hear Lori breathing.


PS: added 19:09CDT 4/15/08 - I'm fine. Talk about hormonal insanity!

Monday, April 14, 2008

LORI BLOG: Baptism

Okay! Momma got all the pictures uploaded! HooRAY! RAY! RAY! So, here's how my day went.

It was your pretty typically morning. I got up at 7, ate my breakfast and went back down for my morning nap, and at 9 Momma and Papa were up and ready to get me all cleaned up and looking my best! I know that there had been talk about putting some of Momma's mouse in my hair to make the curls look extra curl-tastic, but in the end I went au naturale! No! Not nekkid! I meant without hair gel...

You adults have dirty dirty minds!

You should clean your ears more often! So, anyway, I get all made spiffy and it's time to wear.... The Dress.

Momma really spent a lot of time on it! And I think it shows! It really was a show stopper. She took this dress to the left and after nearly my whole lifetime magically turned it into the dress to the right and below. I think she had some mice and birds come over while I slept to finish it, cause it must have taken a lifetime to make. Oh wait. It did. It took almost my whole lifetime! Hee! And looked how much longer it is than all the rest of my clothes! OMG Mom! What were you thinking?!

Anyway, Gramma Kathy was definitely proud of me and showing me off to just about everyone! And see my bonnet! Oh, Momma loves the bonnet! Gui's Mom, Cris, made it. And when I grow up big and even more beautiful, it turns into my wedding-kerchief. Momma's gonna put it in a box for me! I can't wait to be Big!

And my godparents were there too! They came the way from Laredo just to be there with me!! Uncle Danny and Aunt Kristi! It was really great having them there with me. Kristi was wonderful during the after party. I was so tired from all the attention that I really just wanted a nap. And Aunt Kristi hugged me and bounced me until I didn't remember anything else! She's a great godmother. Hmmm... I wonder if she's the type of godmother that has sparklie fairy wings and a magic wand... O:)

Lois, partially hidden behind Pastor Laura, led the congregation to sing 'Come and be Baptized', a hymn to welcome us up. Momma tried to sing to me, but she didn't really know the words. It kinda made me nervous. So nervous that I wet my breeches and I wasn't happy the rest of the ceremony! Not when they put the warm water on my forehead to wash me Clean. Not when they anointed my forehead with oil to make me a Minister to the People, and not even when they lit the candle to Guide my Way. (Boy, I hope I got the symbolism right! I was sort of screaming right them, so I couldn't really focus on what Pastor Laura said. >.<'

The Water. The Oil. The Candle.

That's all for now. I'll go more into the After Party- BBQ later, maybe! :)

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Today was... well... different? Momma and Papa were both sick! OH NO! And I think it was my fault too. I got my last immunization on Saturday morning, the yummy dropper for the Roto-Rooter Virus. It gave them the sniffles and scratchy throats. Poor Momma and Papa! But, it'll make sure I don't get sick, so I'm sure they're not complaining... to much.

I didn't do that much today, mostly because my normal teacher, Ms. Aurora, had to leave early and the sub didn't write down everything I did for Momma and Papa to read.

And don't ask me about the Baptism yet. I'm still moving the pictures off Momma's camera, and then I still have to get her to upload them to Photobucket for me. But don't worry! As soon as they are up, it'll be photo madness!

Okay, Lady. I love you. Bye!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Invitation: Baptism

April 13, 11:00am
First United Methodist Church
Edinburg, Texas

If you're reading this and know us personally, please feel free to consider this your formal invitation to join us!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

OMG! Must Have!!

Signing Time

Dress Update

OMG. It's finished! I'm half blind, and the CTS is back in my right hand, but it's finished!!!!!, you don't get pictures until AFTER Sunday.

UPDATE: Cris came by tonight to drop off the bonnet she made for Lori. It can be made to be her hankie for her wedding. Oh! It's so gorgeous!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

What a rough night! I didn't get much sleep. What bad gas! And pee-you, was it stinky gasses! But after a nice long nap this morning, I felt better.

I held on to my teacher's hand really tight, and got into a tickles with my Bunny Bear! He tickled my tummy and my feet and we sang a song all about the bunny tickles!

Oh! And when I got home, I got fitted for my dress that I'm going to wear this weekend. Momma guessed me too big and now, she's got to take in the top by over two full inches!! Wow! Momma was thinking I was going to be a BIG baby! Well, I'm tall, but I'm nice and lean. Anyway, I don't know how she's going to fix it! Not with that very hard beaded belt on it!

But I have faith in my Momma. I mean, she did make me after all! And look how awesome I am!

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Today was a pretty normal day, aside from the fact that I didn't go poopie. I still don't feel good from it. Hopefully, I'll get some out tomorrow, or even right now! All I know is that I was wide awake and screaming because my tummy hurt so much! Momma did what she could, but it hurt so much that I just wanted my Papa. He hugged me and called me beautiful until I farted it all gone. Ah! Sweet relief!

Oh! But my day at school! I'm not sure if you can see him, but My Bunny's in this picture with me, and that's what I did today: I talked to my Bunny, rocking him from side to side, while I said my name. I really like my name. Daddi did a good job giving it to me!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Today, at school, I played with my Bunny. I was touching my Bunny, and holding my bunny. I even sang a nursery rhyme about my Bunny.

I didn't get outside time today, but that's only because the whole class slept through outside time.

Oh well. There's always tomorrow!

PS: I heard Momma called to check up on me. Silly-head. I was doing juuuuuuuuuuuust fine!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Possessed Blogging

Wow. Lori's been quite the busy body on my blog, hasn't she? Well, I suppose that's good. I'm up to my ears in bead work right now that I really shouldn't be online at all, but... you know kids. Ihave to help her reach the keyboard.


LORI BLOG: Cuddle Gram

Today, I got introduced to everyone at school! I met the Bear and I got to sing with all my teachers! I had a blast, napped a couple of times, and ate Breakfast, Lunch AND a snack! Only, since no one really knows me, I tried my "I'm hungry, feed me more" routine. They didn't fall for it. It's like.. Moma and Papa told them, or something.

This certainly requires more planning.

Monday, April 7, 2008

LORI BLOG: 1st Day of "School"

I went to school today!

Okay, not like School School, but daycare. I'm so advanced that I really needed to start meeting other people, especially other babies! The nursery was great, and Momma did good with not calling every 15 minutes to check up on me. (Papa, though, had the AA from the main office poke her head in and call him back with a report.)

My parents worry too much. Didn't they read my record card?

Lori's Report Card:
Today I was: happy
Nap Time was: morning, afternoon
I had: 4 wet ones, 0 BMs
I drank: bottle 9:20 - 3oz, bottle 12:30 - 3oz, bottle 3:35 - 3oz

Sunday, April 6, 2008

LORI BLOG: Nightly Fuss-Fest

Good morning, world.

I have to say that since my last posting, I've been getting very good about bedtime. I just have a particular routine that has to be done, or I'll scream like a little girl. (That's my new cry, btw.)

It's Binky, Bunny, Blankie.

Blinky goes in my mouth. Bunny goes in my right arm. A corner of Blankie goes over my left shoulder and against my cheek, the rest of blankie covers me up. Sometimes, I need my feet up on a pillow. Most of the time, I need Turtle to sing to me.

And it makes me wake up a very happy baby. I'm wondering if Momma will take me to that photo shoot she has for derby today....

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Lori starts daycare on Monday after several issues here at home.

Am I worried that putting her into daycare is gong to hurt Linda's feelings?
No. Went it comes to the safety, happiness, and well-being of my daughter, little things like the personal feelings of another are low on the priority list. Lori first. Everyone else second. Now, that's not to say the Linda isn't doing a fabulous job of caring for her, there are just some drama moments at the house involving her; drama moments that I will do everything in my power to ensure that Lori doesn't ever have to witness. So, the easiest solution? Enroll Lori in daycare. Thank God for my bonus and Toni&Kirvin's financial gifts. Couldn't have done it in one day without them.

Right now, Lori's falling asleep, and apparently wanted to hear her Turtle sing some more, cause she's kicking the hell out of it, and hitting the play button. Coincidentally, the play button also changes the song. For bedtime, she has a preference for Moonlight Sonata. That's my girl!

I'm t-minus 6 days and counting to her baptism and every day I fret that her dress won't be done. I'm inching, literally, closer to completing the bead work trim on the bottom of the dress. After that, it's the sleeves, some minor bead work on the over skirt, and then a fitting on Saturday. Josh owes me a full Saturday's worth of baby sitting. If I can get to her fitting before Saturday, I'll be breathing easier.

Until then, my love to all!

Three Stages, like a Butterfly!

Removed from the top cause I'm tired of looking at it.

Friday, April 4, 2008

PICTURES: New Photos to See!

Are you ready for more pictures?
I thought you were!

And now for some REAL content. Last Saturday, the family went to a Sweet Sixteen Party. Lori and the Birthday girl were matching fashionistas! And both got a Father-Daughter Dance. It was spectaluar! (PS: I an SO jealous of Birthday Girl's dress, OMG! I WANT one!!!)

Lori met everyone, even the Birthday Girl's baby sister! It was a very cute moment!

Meanwhile, back at home, Daddy and Lori work on making up random stories about space aliens, just to see how confused they can make Mommy.

(Both of ya'll're so mean!!)