Saturday, December 1, 2007

Baby Shower Online Invitation

You're invited to a baby shower!
(bring your pink)

December 1, 2007 4pm- 6pm
Golden Jersey Creamer Building
Melden & Hunt Conference Room

Use this blog entry to RSVP for my baby shower on Dec 1, 2007. Gift Registries can be found ni the links section to the right.

See you there!


Anonymous said...

Here's the store and product link you wanted my Clauie:

Claudia Carranza said...

Thanks! But are you coming to the Baby Shower for sure or not? MUAH! <3

PK aka Arlene said...

I'm a definate! But you already put me on the list as a definate so I guess you already knew that.

Claudia Carranza said...

Yuppers, I did! You told me! :P

Ceci said...

Of COURSE I'm coming! I wouldn't miss it. :) Count in me, Ana, Mamash, and little Brent. I think Dad's coming but he was thinking of not last I heard. Have you talked to him? I'm still planning on bringing my monkey, too. Maybe Dad will take him while we par-tay, since he's not invited, due to penile presence 'n' all.

Claudia Carranza said...

Dad HAS to come!! I want to see him, even if Mom's barring all penile-endowed ones!

Anonymous said...

Dad's a definite, though Doris had to bow out.
By the way, I visited your babies r us registry just now and you have a 2nd diaper bag on there? I just bought you the one on your target registry!
Also, I have a breast pump I barely used at all, since my milk never ever came in. :( It cost over $200 and I'll bring it to you if you want it.

Claudia Carranza said...

OMG!! YOu have a breast pump!?! Was it comfortable! YES BRING IT!! OMG!!!

Yes, a second diaper bag. I have the one you sent, (i think. I'm saving hte actual openning for hte party), but having Josh's bag and Clauie's bag might be useful? If not, it can be returned for more bottles or diapers or something, ne?

I SO can't wait to see you!!! Mom's confused where you'll be staying. Mother said with Mom, MOm said with Galtor. TACO!!

Sad Doris nor Manda can make it. *cry tear* but, life is thus. I'll be fine.

Just can't wait to see you all.

PS: Anyone ELSE reading these comments, PLEASE RSVP by Friday. I must know so I have food for everyone! Come ON peoples! Where's my baby-love?!?