Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Doctor Visits

Bloodwork : right now
Conference Call for Work: 9am
Sonogram : 2pm
Doctor Review: 3pm

Having your sister weighing out if a sea turtle is okay for Baby or not : priceless

Thanks, Tia Lene!
(Do you like Tia Lene, or Auntie Lene, or just Crazy Aunt Lene, or Auntly. Yes, you're the Auntly Auntie Lene! I had mom save your wrapping paper special! Now, if only I can remember where I put my Elmer's so I can finally get started on Baby's Scrapbook....)


PK aka Arlene said...

I am known to my nephew as Auntie Lene (pronounced Anty not Auhntie) but I kinda like the sound of Crazy Aunt Lene! It fits in nicely with the Crazy Cat Lady thing I've got going on. Of course, I've often wondered if I qualify as a crazy cat lady since I only have one cat. I suppose the amount of attention and how much my life revolves around that one cat could be enough of a qualifier. I am in the process of knitting myself a scarf, when I am done I am going to knit a matching one for Mia...based on this I think I am definately crazy. (I'm just jealous because I made scarves for my parents and little matching ones for each of their dogs..kinda a his and hers thing somehow I leftout myself and Mia.)

Do you have any suggestions on how to keep the scarf on the cat? Do you know if it's possible to knit straight jackets and where I could get a cat-sized pattern for one?

PS. I can't read knitting patterns and actually can't knit anything other than scarves and I guess blankets since they are kinda just like gigantic scarves. Ana and Ceci are my knitting heros!

PSS. Here's a funny little fact.
There has been much debate about whether I knit at all. Some people (mainly old ladies so they are probably right) think that I purl. I only know one stitch and I am completely unaware of what that stitch style is called. So I either knit OR I purl everything! Who knows?! The first time this was brought to my attention the following conversation occured:

(*Lene knitting/purling at work)
Old Lady: You don't know how to knit.
Lene: What?
OL: You aren't doing it right.
Lene: What?
OL: That's not how you do it! You're doing it wrong!
Lene: (picks up pile of yarn that completely resembles a scarf..looks at old lady) Scarf!
OL: What?
Lene: (still holding scarf) Scarf!
OL: But it's not right!
Lene: (still holding scarf) SCAAARRRRFFF!!!


Sorry that was such a long response! Hopefully I was entertaining!

Claudia Carranza said...

Definately entertaining! You should be nomianted for an emmie!

PS: The little roller skates STILL make me tear up with joy! Josh says that by age 5, Turtle-A's going to be putting me to shame on skates. God, I hope so. Then he asked if there was an age limited for the Rolleristas. I said YEEEEEEEEEES! 18. And then I just giggled. He asked what, I said I was just picturing it. He goes, "A baby Derby League?" I blinked, "What? No... Turtle-A skating with me during warm up and stuff."

And then Moose's over-active brain went... Mini Derby? *shakes it from the cabeza* Too dangerous for childern.