Holy cow on a hamburger bun, Batmanda! Holidays make my family look NORMAL!!
It was insane-o, to put it mildly. First, my school can't seem to make up it's mind. "Yes, we're here on Wednesday. Oh, Lori's room is closed cuz all her teachers took a vacation." AH! Thankfully, Gramma Tere was MORE than happy to have me over for the day, which worked out for Mom. She went a little PSYCHO-MOM this week.
(See, Dad decided he'd go play football with his former NFL brother and his still-a-young-pup other brother. According to Dad, he made the highlight reel by "juke-boxing the blitzkreig and scoring the touch up". Football is SO weird. But what that meant for Mom was a Daddy that couldn't walk... or lift anything... or carry me... or play with me... or really do much of anything but sit with his foot up while it healed. Momma was a very stressed out lady.)
So, Christmas Eve Day (o.O') was with my mommy's family, AAAAAAALL day, which was a blast. I ate pears and grapes and pineapple and drank juice and walked around and looked at hte fish and didn't speak a word of english all day! ^.^ I iz tri-lingual!! Mom spend the day with Daddy. They went to the doctor to shoot his foot with extra-rays of power, and Momma said that it wasn't broken. Daddy still has to wear a post-operation bootie on his foot so he can walk around, which he's doing better with now. Christmas day was so fun that it would take so many words to describe that I think I'll run out of them before I even get halfway thru with it, and so since pictures are worth a thousand words, here's my Christmas in a photo MONTAGE!!
Holy cow on a hamburger bun, Batmanda! Holidays make my family look NORMAL!!
It was insane-o, to put it mildly. First, my school can't seem to make up it's mind. "Yes, we're here on Wednesday. Oh, Lori's room is closed cuz all her teachers took a vacation." AH! Thankfully, Gramma Tere was MORE than happy to have me over for the day, which worked out for Mom. She went a little PSYCHO-MOM this week.
(See, Dad decided he'd go play football with his former NFL brother and his still-a-young-pup other brother. According to Dad, he made the highlight reel by "juke-boxing the blitzkreig and scoring the touch up". Football is SO weird. But what that meant for Mom was a Daddy that couldn't walk... or lift anything... or carry me... or play with me... or really do much of anything but sit with his foot up while it healed. Momma was a very stressed out lady.)
So, Christmas Eve Day (o.O') was with my mommy's family, AAAAAAALL day, which was a blast. I ate pears and grapes and pineapple and drank juice and walked around and looked at hte fish and didn't speak a word of english all day! ^.^ I iz tri-lingual!! Mom spend the day with Daddy. They went to the doctor to shoot his foot with extra-rays of power, and Momma said that it wasn't broken. Daddy still has to wear a post-operation bootie on his foot so he can walk around, which he's doing better with now. Christmas day was so fun that it would take so many words to describe that I think I'll run out of them before I even get halfway thru with it, and so since pictures are worth a thousand words, here's my Christmas in a photo MONTAGE!!

Ah! Insane-o family, how I love thee.
Let me just turn the ringer off and
let all your calls go to voicemail for a few hours
so I can catch on some very important things......
Like leveling my warlock.
Now, where am I supposed to go to turn in that quest again...?
Now, where am I supposed to go to turn in that quest again...?

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