Sunday, January 11, 2009

LORI BLOG: Hospitalized

I'm in the hospital. They don't give me net access. Mom took dictation for me on this. I have RSV. I'm doing good. I'm bored. Someone bring me a cookie.

Mom: Lori!
Me: What? I'm bored.
Mom: Enough. We're done typing.
Me: But Mooooooommmm....!
Mom: -yoink!-

1 comment:

PK aka Arlene said...

Sweet girl! You looked really good yesterday. I hope you're feeling better today. Thank you for putting up with me, I know I'm a worry wart...I just can't help myself. Love you tons baby girl...tell Mommy and Daddy I love them too and I'll see you all when I get off work!

-Crazy Auntie Lene