Friday, May 2, 2008

Lori Update

Hey there!

I know it's been a while. Dad's been working on our interweb recently, so Mom and I really haven't had much in the way on online time. *cry*

But it's okay. It's given me time to do lots of cool stuff!!

Like this, check it!

Here's me all ready for school one morning! A beautiful, antique inspired long sleeve blouse, and the pants and hair ribbon my Crazy Aunt Lene got for me. One shirt's getting too small, and I like to try to pull it over my head, so Papa doesn't like to let me out of the house with it. It's like he thinks I'm a little Flasher or something!

Oh! Here's me working on rolling over. I'm trying to get from my back to my front. I finally managed it this evening, but in this pic, I still wasn't all that sure of how. My elbow kept getting stuck in the way. Whew! Rollie Pollie'ing all over is hard work! But I wasn't ready for a nap yet!

Nope, not me! I continued on with my hand-eye coordination! I grabbed that parrot and held on tight while he danced and sang at me. (I sang too!)

And here's Papa and I out for lunch Sunday after church. No.. this isn't what I wore to church. I had my best Sunday dress on! It's the same one I wore to Ari's sweet sixteen. But it's just a bit too much dress for an afternoon out with the Parental Units. Do you like the hat? My aunties Ceci and Ana's friend, the Robincat, made it! It slips around a bit, but that's okay! It's super stylish!


Well, that's all for the moment. Momma's working on video editting my hair drying session. I just ROLL WITH LAUGHTER!

Edit: Papa said no to uploading the video of my laughter. T.T Sorry, Interweb World!


PS: I forgot my impression of my godfather, Uncle Danno.
Check me out!


Ceci said...

Thanks for sharing the video, Clau!! It was so cute my preggo hormones actually made me tear up. :D

PK aka Arlene said...

I'm stealing the picture of Josh and Lori. People just don't understand what I mean when I say she looks like a "micro" baby when he holds her! So hilarious. She looks like the smallest baby in the world compared to him. So cute! :)

Claudia Carranza said...

Ceci: You're welcome! I'm glad I could inspire hormone-induced tears of laughter! :) Show it to Daddy?

PK: LOL It's a great mental image. I don't really notice it myself, cause I'm around them all the time, but I notice it when I'm walking with her by the mirror and I get to see what she looks like up against the average heighted person in our area, then i remember you and your miming of the Josh-Lori. LOL Oh! Which reminded me of when i saw him burping her last night... He uses TWO FINGERS!! I about fell out of my chair!

Anonymous said...

*reminds himself to poke PK when nexts he sees her*
