Hey there!
I know it's been a while. Dad's been working on our interweb recently, so Mom and I really haven't had much in the way on online time. *cry*
But it's okay. It's given me time to do lots of cool stuff!!
Like this, check it!

Here's me all ready for school one morning! A beautiful, antique inspired long sleeve blouse, and the pants and hair ribbon my Crazy Aunt Lene got for me. One shirt's getting too small, and I like to try to pull it over my head, so Papa doesn't like to let me out of the house with it. It's like he thinks I'm a little Flasher or something!

Oh! Here's me working on rolling over. I'm trying to get from my back to my front. I finally managed it this evening, but in this pic, I still wasn't all that sure of how. My elbow kept getting stuck in the way. Whew! Rollie Pollie'ing all over is hard work! But I wasn't ready for a nap yet!

Nope, not me! I continued on with my hand-eye coordination! I grabbed that parrot and held on tight while he danced and sang at me. (I sang too!)

And here's Papa and I out for lunch Sunday after church. No.. this isn't what I wore to church. I had my best Sunday dress on! It's the same one I wore to Ari's sweet sixteen. But it's just a bit too much dress for an afternoon out with the Parental Units. Do you like the hat? My aunties Ceci and Ana's friend, the Robincat, made it! It slips around a bit, but that's okay! It's super stylish!

Well, that's all for the moment. Momma's working on video editting my hair drying session. I just ROLL WITH LAUGHTER!
Edit: Papa said no to uploading the video of my laughter. T.T Sorry, Interweb World!
PS: I forgot my impression of my godfather, Uncle Danno.
Check me out!
Thanks for sharing the video, Clau!! It was so cute my preggo hormones actually made me tear up. :D
I'm stealing the picture of Josh and Lori. People just don't understand what I mean when I say she looks like a "micro" baby when he holds her! So hilarious. She looks like the smallest baby in the world compared to him. So cute! :)
Ceci: You're welcome! I'm glad I could inspire hormone-induced tears of laughter! :) Show it to Daddy?
PK: LOL It's a great mental image. I don't really notice it myself, cause I'm around them all the time, but I notice it when I'm walking with her by the mirror and I get to see what she looks like up against the average heighted person in our area, then i remember you and your miming of the Josh-Lori. LOL Oh! Which reminded me of when i saw him burping her last night... He uses TWO FINGERS!! I about fell out of my chair!
*reminds himself to poke PK when nexts he sees her*
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