Some fun news, we got the printer all hooked up and working, and I found some photo paper too. :) Right now, I'm printing two full sized sheets filled with cropped, resized, 'my faves' pics of Lori from birth to this past weekend. :) I have a baby brag book that the girls from CEVA CVG gave me. I think I'm going to turn that into a gift, but I'm not saying for whom, just in case someone spills the beans! ;)
She's had her two month immunizations and check up. The doctor, who is this WONDERFULLY nice mother of two that calmed Lori right down when she started to fuss for being cooped up in a doctor's office, told us that she's doing perfectly minus one tiny little thing: her weight.
At birth, Lori was 8"5oz. Currently, at just about to turn 3 months, she's all but 13#. Babies aren't supposed to double their birth weight until 6months, and an overweight baby has a myriad of complications later in life, especially as a female. It's our fault to over feed her, so... Lori's going on a diet! Here's to hoping that month 4's check up has her longer but weighing the same, and just has happy and healthy as she is today!
She's sleeping good, too. This morning, we're going on 10 hours. I've been checking on her, she's just sleeping. She'll wake a bit, Igo to her, and by the time I arrive, she's asleep again. :) Angel!
Oh, but you're prolly just visiting to see pictures. Fine... ;) :P Here you go!

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