Friday, December 21, 2007

Drama Queen

False alarm.

Went to the hospital.


15 mins apart.

Fucking chill out, Clau!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dad of the Year Award

Josh gets my vote for Dad of the Year.

I was feeling like SHIT today (See my comment to PK under my previous post) and so stayed home from work. He's done dishes, on the thrid load of laundry, taken out ALL the trash, and cleaned up Fuzz's eating area a bit.

I've been systematically denied the right to bend over, pick up, or carry anything. I'm lucky he's letting me sit up and type right now.

He even buy me an ice cream pop. One of those vanilla ice cream with a thin chocolate shell and rice-crunch things in them. Sugar free, of course, with 10g of carbs total in each one. OMG, why didn't we get these before?! I had one after my lap. It was heavenly!

So, he's being a total doll, caring for me completely.

AND.... he's c-o-o-k-i-n-g dinner. Granted, it's a pop in the oven and ignore it for an hour dinner, but he's STILL COOKING!!!!!

It's going to taste fantastic, no matter what!

Monday, December 17, 2007


I finally managed to get all the way through the baby shower gifts. Just some small clean up left to do, but I can safely put it into the trunk of my car and forget about it until it's time to take it all out at Gramma Kathy's.

And the thank-you cards from those gifts are done too. I pray I didn't forgot anyone! I had some presents show up after the fact. :)

And a few with no address. I'm getting creative on getting them delivered.

Next up: Scrapbook.
(Now, where the hell is my glue?!)

Doctor Visits and Bloodwork

Today I had lab and doc visit.

Lab was to check for iron levels and something else. and I had to poke myself in the vahjayjay with a qtip. :( Not pleasant, nit even when I COULD reach it easily.

Doctor says I'm looking okay, but she's still concerned about my blood sugars. It's been two weeks, and time for another check up to ensure the diet is maintaining them. See, my after-meal level was 132. She wants it at 120 or less. -sigh- I go in for my vampirism manana.

Past that, we're both doing fine. Aside from the Doctor saying she thinks she may need to go c-section. I don't wanna. It's my second option. I wanna try on my own first. Yes, I'm short, but I'm by no means small framed.

How do I make it clear that I want to try natural FIRST and that it's going to be MY way or she can kiss my ass?

I'm a helper!

It's nice to help out family. Especially one that's feeling overwhelmed with trying to manage updates to an online store she's trying to grow. I think it's getting to be more than a 1 woman operation now. :)

Take a look at what I just did for her here!

If you knit or crotchet, you DEFINITELY want some Entrelac Stitch Markers!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

LOL Cats

You can make funny cat captions from pictures on the site, or you can upload your own and caption those! I found some of fuzz and I'm captioning them. and here's some i captioned from the site.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Baby Shower - a few pics

It was so much fun! I have to take some serious time to put into words how crazy fun it was!

All I know is that I slept HARD that night. LOL

Update: 12/17/07 - I promised you pics. here you go. And thenI'm off to write more thank you cards. :) Maybe I'll give you captions! :)

For Pistol Kitten!

Post found on
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:29 am
Post subject: Cats, Scarfs, and Straightjackets... oh my!

Good morning, Knitty World! I'm Entrelac's baby sister. I used her site to get here as a friend asked a knitting question on my blog. Unfortunately for her, I don't knit. Fortunately for her, my sisters do and have links to here. So, here I am, with her questions. I promise to post your replies to my blog when they arrive so she can see, and if I can figure out how to put up picture banners on my blog, a nifty banner up to!

On to the questions:


From Pistol Kitten.
I am in the process of knitting myself a scarf, when I am done I am going to knit a matching one for Mia...based on this I think I am definately crazy. (I'm just jealous because I made scarves for my parents and little matching ones for each of their dogs..kinda a his and hers thing somehow I leftout myself and Mia.)

Do you have any suggestions on how to keep the scarf on the cat? Do you know if it's possible to knit straight jackets and where I could get a cat-sized pattern for one?

PS. I can't read knitting patterns and actually can't knit anything other than scarves and I guess blankets since they are kinda just like gigantic scarves. Ana and Ceci are my knitting heros!

PSS. Here's a funny little fact.
There has been much debate about whether I knit at all. Some people (mainly old ladies so they are probably right) think that I purl. I only know one stitch and I am completely unaware of what that stitch style is called. So I either knit OR I purl everything! Who knows?! The first time this was brought to my attention the following conversation occured:

(*Lene knitting/purling at work)
Old Lady: You don't know how to knit.
Lene: What?
OL: You aren't doing it right.
Lene: What?
OL: That's not how you do it! You're doing it wrong!
Lene: (picks up pile of yarn that completely resembles a scarf..looks at old lady) Scarf!
OL: What?
Lene: (still holding scarf) Scarf!
OL: But it's not right!
Lene: (still holding scarf) SCAAARRRRFFF!!!


So, if anyone can help my friend out on these questions, drop a line here on this post! I'll check back and give her your replies.

PS: How DO you check if one knits or pearls? Is there even a difference?

Tangled in Yarn,
Entrelac's Baby Sister

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Check Up

After the doctor's visit, I've got some news.

She's 5pounds 11ounces, and on track to be an 8pound or so baby.

My butt-issue is going away.

Live is good.

Back to bed.

Doctor Visits

Bloodwork : right now
Conference Call for Work: 9am
Sonogram : 2pm
Doctor Review: 3pm

Having your sister weighing out if a sea turtle is okay for Baby or not : priceless

Thanks, Tia Lene!
(Do you like Tia Lene, or Auntie Lene, or just Crazy Aunt Lene, or Auntly. Yes, you're the Auntly Auntie Lene! I had mom save your wrapping paper special! Now, if only I can remember where I put my Elmer's so I can finally get started on Baby's Scrapbook....)

Monday, December 3, 2007

It was just gas.

Last night was rough. Went to be at 11pm, but woke up every hour, on the hour, with back pain and pressure on my cervix. But no contractions. Not like the first time. So I didn't call anyone, I just waited. Plus, the first time, the tension was coming every 15-20minutes. This was every hour. It just... didn't seem the same to me.

So, I get up from work, feeling like crap, and still having those back aches and not-quite-contractions every hour. By 9am, I'm getting concerned, so I call in. The nurse calls me back and asks me some questions, but since they aren't full-on contractions and they are spaced way apart, it's probably just nothing, but just in case, start timing them. If they get less than 20 minutes apart, go to the ER.

Meanwhile, I have hemroids. Or just one. One GIANT one. Dear lord! This thing is the size of a small grape! And it HURTS! So I take my lunch at noon, and hit the Walgreens. I get a salad put on my ointment and get back to work. Two hours later, I feel what is most certainly the closest thing to a contraction that I've felt all day. Nice and strong. It's such a surprise that my trainee goes wide-eyed, grabs the phone and asks who to call. We call my doctor's office, and I get put on the wait list for a call-back. Meanwhile, I start timing.




And then.... gas. Lots of it. I mean, rank little steamboat put-put farts.

For an hour!

4pm and the nurse calls me back.

Nurse: Okay. What happened?
Me: Oh, I felt something like the contractions I felt earlier, but really strong...
Nurse: Go to the ER. I'll paged your doctor.
Me: No, I really don't think that's necesary. I started farting about 15mins after that contraction and now, 2 hours later, I'm feeling much better and the pressure is gone. It's just some minor back aches now, and that I can live with.
Nurse: Oh. Then it was-
Me: Just gas.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Simpon Moose

Baby Shower Online Invitation

You're invited to a baby shower!
(bring your pink)

December 1, 2007 4pm- 6pm
Golden Jersey Creamer Building
Melden & Hunt Conference Room

Use this blog entry to RSVP for my baby shower on Dec 1, 2007. Gift Registries can be found ni the links section to the right.

See you there!