until the baby shower. okay, so less than a full day. baby's stretching like crazy.
i'm ready for bed.
but i'm worried i'm forgetting something.
party favors are done,
need another prize,
need more cloths pins,
need party game,
signs are drying,
need the last minute bullshit.
-sigh- why didn't i get this crap last week? oh yeah, bedrest. fucking contractions.
but it was good to have everyone in one house. mom, dad, mamash, ceci, ana, camilo, jonathan, me, vanity, josh.... grand ol' time. and camilo didn't get pissed when josh scolded nico about being disrespectful. and not even when mom asked josh why and started to say it wasn't important, to which i was like, "it's disrespectful." instead, camilo pulled nico aside, explained and had nico apologize to everyone he disrespected.
ee cummings, eat your heart out. i'm boycotting captialization. :p
or something.
damn this post is not going to make any sort of sense in the morning, ah who gives a shit.
work was a bit of a pain.
i worked like i normally do. trainee no showed. don't know why. don't much care, truth be told. no lunch break. sigh. it sucked ass.
and made my wrists hurt. i'm going to bed now.
maybe i'll shower or bathe too. lori's moving a lot.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Baby Shower RSVP Reminder
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Bed Rest
3am, Tuesday morning. I awake with an aching back. I've been having hip pain mostly, when I sleep. It's a lot of pressure on my hip, sleeping on the same side hour after hour. But this was my lower back, from below my waist to the crack of my ass, from side to side. It came with a slightly painful tension across my abdomen just below my belly button. The pain subsided and I tried to settle back down. But no sooner had I gotten comfortable, than the pain returned; exactly the same as what woke me.
Thinking it was just stiff muscles, I pushed myself up, went to the bathroom, and paced a bit. The walking helped ease the pain, but I didn't want to lay back down. So, I sat in the recliner Josh pulled out into the bedroom for me, put the floor fan on me cause I was so hot, and tried to get comfortable. Again, the pain returned, but now it was worse. I was half sitting up, my legs elevated. It just wasn't really comfortable.
About an hour later, 4am, when it hadn't subsided, and not understanding what I was feeling, I woke Josh to ask what I should do. I wasn't sure I could get back to sleep in time to get to woke in 4 hours. He told me to call a nurse and see what it might be. I had just remembered getting my employee benefits package yesterday, and reading its reminder note about the 24 hour Nurse Wellness Hotline. They call me every 3 months to get how I'm doing.
After speaking with the staff nurse and answering all her questions, she recommended I go to the emergency room within the next two hours, as it sounds like the start of early labor. My question? If it is, can they stop it. Her answer, Yes.
I wake Josh, tell him what the staff nurse said and he replied to have the oncall doctor paged to confirm. We'll do whatever he says to do.
The doctor calls back about 15mins later, and I describe my condition and my symptoms. His concern is pallible: Go to the ER; Now.
Again , Josh is woken and told what the doctor advised. He pushes himself and we get dressed and calmly and quickly as we can. We're out the door 20 mintues later, and as we get on the roadways, his hand inches toward the hazard switch, and his knucles are white on the steering wheel.
"Are you planning to psycho-speed there," I ask him?
"I'm thinking about it, yeah," he replies.
"I don't think I could handle that right now. I'm doing good so far being calm and controlled, if you go too fast, I might get scared. I don't think being scared is going to help right now. I know you want to get there fast, but there are no other cars on the road right now, so You can get to the speed limit fast and not have to worry about gramma drivers. Besides, the hospital's only 20 minutes from here. I think I'll be okay for 20 more minutes."
He nods, takes his hand away from the hazard blinker, and begins to make a hurried but stately drive to the hosiptal. We're worried only once, when Josh gets to a yellow light moving too fast to stop in time for the red, so he taps on my hazards, runs the redlight and keeps going. It's halfway through the intersection that we spot a police car in a parking lot facing the intersection. Thankfully, the blinkers and direction we are heading either must have told the cop this was a medical emergency or he simply wasn't paying attention, but he didn't come after us.
"If the cop came, what would you do," I ask?
"Keep going to the hospital," is the reply.
"Wouldn't that me evading arrest or something, and ticketable?"
"Running a red light is ticketable," he retorts, "And it'd be worth it. I don't care."
It makes me relax, and we get to the hospital without any other worries.
He drops me off at the ER while he goes to park. The EMT stationed outside asks if I need a wheelchair. "No, thanks," I tell him. "The walking eases the pain." He nods and shows me to the door. I get inside and start checking myself in. This whole time, I'm calm, composed, and only once in a while to I have to pause in my speaking to stretch my back when another pain comes. Josh joins me, and the nurse asks if he can fill out the paperwork for me so they could get me into triage.
Triage is a scary word, but simply meant an ER Waiting Room. When did that happen, or have I watched too much M*A*S*H?
Off I go, into triage. I have to pee in a cup, take off everything, get into a backless robe, wear little sockies, and an ace bandage girdle. I'm shown to my triage room, and they hook me up to a heart monitor, then microphone my belly. There's Lori's heartbeat, so fast, so strong. Another sensor is placed a bit higher up.
Then I wait. Long enough to find an original Star Trek episode on TV Land called "Operation - Annihilation". They have me sign something, release forms about delivering and needing a car seat... I hope I didn't sign my organs away. In retrospect, I should have declined until Josh was present, as I wasn't exactly thinking right. I was worried, but trying desperately to stay calm. I forced myself not to think about an hour from now, and just to rest in the moment.
Josh finally gets lead in, and we begin waiting. He's watching the montior and after about 30 mintues asks, "Are you hurting right now?"
"Yes," I replied, a bit startled. "How'd you know?"
"The monitor," he says, nodding toward it. "The line goes up. I've been assuming from the tension in your muscles, and I wanted to know for sure."
The nurse returns an hour later and states, "The urine analysis has come back. You're a bit dehydrated and you have a urinary tract infection. How much water do you drink?"
"Normally, a lot, nearly a full gallon, everyday, but yesterday was a bit hectic at work and I didn't grab my cup in the morning to keep full and drink from all day."
"It showed, and that's what's caused these contractions."
"So, I'm having contractions cause I'm dehydrated," I repeat, waiting to make sure I understood completely.
"Yes, ma'am. We're going to put you on an IV and try to rehydrate you as fast as we can as well as give you a doze of antibiotics for the infection. We'll keep you under observation for a few more hours to see how you're responding to the fluids."
Again, I repeat back what I was told, making sure I understood, before letting the nurse leave me.
Begin the calls. Dad, I'm sorry you weren't on the first round of calls. I think Josh and I both assumed the rest of the family would get told by the Mom's. Telephone, telegraph, Tell-a-Carranza. It's now 7am, and I get a hold of the boss and tell him where I'm at and what we know. He tells me not to think about the office and to focus on staying calm, doing what the doctor says, and to rest. He wants to know how I'm doing when I get the chance to call again.
7:45am and the contractions haven't subsided. The nurse contacted my doctor, who's on her way in to see me after a birth she's attending, and was instructed to try stage 2 of contraction stoppage, a pain medication called Demerol. I'm injected, and told that they'll need to wait an hour or two to see how I'm reacting. If things don't improve, I'll be admitting fully and given the next, more powerful set, of anti-labor drugs, and will definitely be put on bed rest.
Kathy, Josh's mom shows up, to pray over Lori and I, and to give Josh an angel pendant to help safe guard us and give Josh the strength to see us through this. I think she gave us a bible too, but by then the meds are kicking in, and I don't remember much of the rest of it. I vaguely remember Josh's voice, constantly, talking to people not me, but I can't make out the rest of them. Josh later told me that one of the Pastors that work with Kathy's home health care office came by to pray over me too, but that I was asleep. He said that the doctor asked some questions about my medical history that he tried to answer as best he could.
By 9am, the nurse has a good report, and the doctor with her. The contractions stopped and have stayed stopped for a full hour. The doctor checks my cervix, and it's still closed up tight as a whistle. But, seeing how groggy I still am, they want to give me another hour to rest and sleep it off before letting me go. They are worried that I'll faint on my way out if released right now, and the fall could aggravate things. I sleep some more, and awake feeling better. A bit medicine-head but better. I'm released and Josh takes me to get my prescription for the UTI filled, then for breakfast. Oh, and the doctor's ordered me to bed rest for the remainder of the week. Yes, I'm sure Melinda's all pissed. She was heading out of town today. But I can't worry about that. She'll understand when she's blessed with her first. Until then, I must just endure her ignorance with a knowing smile.
Josh gets me home, I take my antibiotic, drink some water, then collapse on the sofa. Mom stops by, but I think I fell asleep on her, cause when I woke up sweating-hot, she was gone. Josh got home about 2 hours ago, and laid down for a nap. I'm going to wake him up and see about dinner. If he wants a fresh meal, I'll cook. If not, I've got plenty of leftovers still.
The bright side: I know what mild contractions feel like now.
And that was the end of Birthing Rehearsal, scene one.
Thinking it was just stiff muscles, I pushed myself up, went to the bathroom, and paced a bit. The walking helped ease the pain, but I didn't want to lay back down. So, I sat in the recliner Josh pulled out into the bedroom for me, put the floor fan on me cause I was so hot, and tried to get comfortable. Again, the pain returned, but now it was worse. I was half sitting up, my legs elevated. It just wasn't really comfortable.
About an hour later, 4am, when it hadn't subsided, and not understanding what I was feeling, I woke Josh to ask what I should do. I wasn't sure I could get back to sleep in time to get to woke in 4 hours. He told me to call a nurse and see what it might be. I had just remembered getting my employee benefits package yesterday, and reading its reminder note about the 24 hour Nurse Wellness Hotline. They call me every 3 months to get how I'm doing.
After speaking with the staff nurse and answering all her questions, she recommended I go to the emergency room within the next two hours, as it sounds like the start of early labor. My question? If it is, can they stop it. Her answer, Yes.
I wake Josh, tell him what the staff nurse said and he replied to have the oncall doctor paged to confirm. We'll do whatever he says to do.
The doctor calls back about 15mins later, and I describe my condition and my symptoms. His concern is pallible: Go to the ER; Now.
Again , Josh is woken and told what the doctor advised. He pushes himself and we get dressed and calmly and quickly as we can. We're out the door 20 mintues later, and as we get on the roadways, his hand inches toward the hazard switch, and his knucles are white on the steering wheel.
"Are you planning to psycho-speed there," I ask him?
"I'm thinking about it, yeah," he replies.
"I don't think I could handle that right now. I'm doing good so far being calm and controlled, if you go too fast, I might get scared. I don't think being scared is going to help right now. I know you want to get there fast, but there are no other cars on the road right now, so You can get to the speed limit fast and not have to worry about gramma drivers. Besides, the hospital's only 20 minutes from here. I think I'll be okay for 20 more minutes."
He nods, takes his hand away from the hazard blinker, and begins to make a hurried but stately drive to the hosiptal. We're worried only once, when Josh gets to a yellow light moving too fast to stop in time for the red, so he taps on my hazards, runs the redlight and keeps going. It's halfway through the intersection that we spot a police car in a parking lot facing the intersection. Thankfully, the blinkers and direction we are heading either must have told the cop this was a medical emergency or he simply wasn't paying attention, but he didn't come after us.
"If the cop came, what would you do," I ask?
"Keep going to the hospital," is the reply.
"Wouldn't that me evading arrest or something, and ticketable?"
"Running a red light is ticketable," he retorts, "And it'd be worth it. I don't care."
It makes me relax, and we get to the hospital without any other worries.
He drops me off at the ER while he goes to park. The EMT stationed outside asks if I need a wheelchair. "No, thanks," I tell him. "The walking eases the pain." He nods and shows me to the door. I get inside and start checking myself in. This whole time, I'm calm, composed, and only once in a while to I have to pause in my speaking to stretch my back when another pain comes. Josh joins me, and the nurse asks if he can fill out the paperwork for me so they could get me into triage.
Triage is a scary word, but simply meant an ER Waiting Room. When did that happen, or have I watched too much M*A*S*H?
Off I go, into triage. I have to pee in a cup, take off everything, get into a backless robe, wear little sockies, and an ace bandage girdle. I'm shown to my triage room, and they hook me up to a heart monitor, then microphone my belly. There's Lori's heartbeat, so fast, so strong. Another sensor is placed a bit higher up.
Then I wait. Long enough to find an original Star Trek episode on TV Land called "Operation - Annihilation". They have me sign something, release forms about delivering and needing a car seat... I hope I didn't sign my organs away. In retrospect, I should have declined until Josh was present, as I wasn't exactly thinking right. I was worried, but trying desperately to stay calm. I forced myself not to think about an hour from now, and just to rest in the moment.
Josh finally gets lead in, and we begin waiting. He's watching the montior and after about 30 mintues asks, "Are you hurting right now?"
"Yes," I replied, a bit startled. "How'd you know?"
"The monitor," he says, nodding toward it. "The line goes up. I've been assuming from the tension in your muscles, and I wanted to know for sure."
The nurse returns an hour later and states, "The urine analysis has come back. You're a bit dehydrated and you have a urinary tract infection. How much water do you drink?"
"Normally, a lot, nearly a full gallon, everyday, but yesterday was a bit hectic at work and I didn't grab my cup in the morning to keep full and drink from all day."
"It showed, and that's what's caused these contractions."
"So, I'm having contractions cause I'm dehydrated," I repeat, waiting to make sure I understood completely.
"Yes, ma'am. We're going to put you on an IV and try to rehydrate you as fast as we can as well as give you a doze of antibiotics for the infection. We'll keep you under observation for a few more hours to see how you're responding to the fluids."
Again, I repeat back what I was told, making sure I understood, before letting the nurse leave me.
Begin the calls. Dad, I'm sorry you weren't on the first round of calls. I think Josh and I both assumed the rest of the family would get told by the Mom's. Telephone, telegraph, Tell-a-Carranza. It's now 7am, and I get a hold of the boss and tell him where I'm at and what we know. He tells me not to think about the office and to focus on staying calm, doing what the doctor says, and to rest. He wants to know how I'm doing when I get the chance to call again.
7:45am and the contractions haven't subsided. The nurse contacted my doctor, who's on her way in to see me after a birth she's attending, and was instructed to try stage 2 of contraction stoppage, a pain medication called Demerol. I'm injected, and told that they'll need to wait an hour or two to see how I'm reacting. If things don't improve, I'll be admitting fully and given the next, more powerful set, of anti-labor drugs, and will definitely be put on bed rest.
Kathy, Josh's mom shows up, to pray over Lori and I, and to give Josh an angel pendant to help safe guard us and give Josh the strength to see us through this. I think she gave us a bible too, but by then the meds are kicking in, and I don't remember much of the rest of it. I vaguely remember Josh's voice, constantly, talking to people not me, but I can't make out the rest of them. Josh later told me that one of the Pastors that work with Kathy's home health care office came by to pray over me too, but that I was asleep. He said that the doctor asked some questions about my medical history that he tried to answer as best he could.
By 9am, the nurse has a good report, and the doctor with her. The contractions stopped and have stayed stopped for a full hour. The doctor checks my cervix, and it's still closed up tight as a whistle. But, seeing how groggy I still am, they want to give me another hour to rest and sleep it off before letting me go. They are worried that I'll faint on my way out if released right now, and the fall could aggravate things. I sleep some more, and awake feeling better. A bit medicine-head but better. I'm released and Josh takes me to get my prescription for the UTI filled, then for breakfast. Oh, and the doctor's ordered me to bed rest for the remainder of the week. Yes, I'm sure Melinda's all pissed. She was heading out of town today. But I can't worry about that. She'll understand when she's blessed with her first. Until then, I must just endure her ignorance with a knowing smile.
Josh gets me home, I take my antibiotic, drink some water, then collapse on the sofa. Mom stops by, but I think I fell asleep on her, cause when I woke up sweating-hot, she was gone. Josh got home about 2 hours ago, and laid down for a nap. I'm going to wake him up and see about dinner. If he wants a fresh meal, I'll cook. If not, I've got plenty of leftovers still.
The bright side: I know what mild contractions feel like now.
And that was the end of Birthing Rehearsal, scene one.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Now that I've remembered I had a photobucket, here we go!
First off, Frightfest with the South Texas Rolleristas. I only managed to make it out for one day of the five day event, but I had fun none-the-less. I painted myself like Zombie Mom, since we needed to be Scary, and then helped Enya Fayce and Pistol Kitten with their make up. I think I did a pretty decent job, tho' I like Pistol's Make Up better. Sorry, Enya!

Next up, Random Shit! Let's see here, oh yes! A picture of my cat. Totally BUSTED! Up on the shelves. How the HELL did he get up there anyway? Ah well. he was able to get down without hurting himself, so I'm happy. Oh! And there's Josh making a funny face one day while we were on our way out the door going I-Don't-Know-Where. It's a great place! OHOH!!! And the cake a baked for him for his birthday!! My first cake that I baked all by my lonesome! I'm so proud!! :)

And now, baby stuff! First, one of hte pink dresses I got. SUPER CUTE! And according to Lene, there's already shoes to match! Then a bib. Josh grinned so huge. And lastly, one of my favorite shirts: "This is my Attitude Problem" Arrow. Hee!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Before I go back to bed...
Enjoy! You have front row seats!
It was a rare quiet moment at the office. I got hungry and started eating a snack. That's when I noticed she was kicking hard enough to move my belly, and I thought, 'I wonder if I can catch her on video, in the act... or will she be camera-shy like her father? Only one way to find out!'
YAY! Upload from my camera is Done Dude!!
Words to the Wise: Graphic heavy post! (I need a photo bucket!)
Picture #1 : When Josh's mom and brother Danny pop by for a visit,
we introduce her to Guitar Hero. A bass
player at her church, it was a bit tough
to transition to lead guitar that the game
looks for, but she really enjoyed it. So much
so, that she wanted to stay and keep playing!
Go hip, Gramma!
Picture #2 : Round One of cute pink girlie stuff courtesy of the girls from
EGL Station CVG, Cincinatti Ohio. Thanks Jackie,
Robin, Linda, Kristi, etal! Arlene got to see them,
and for nearly every little dress I got the same answer,
"Oh! She's got shoes for this one! Oh, the perfect pair
for that one! Oh, I've already got shoes for that one!"
Turtle-a's going to be a fahionista!
Picture #3 : At the park, I teach Nephew Nico how to play Pente. He looks so serious!
Words to the Wise: Graphic heavy post! (I need a photo bucket!)
Picture #1 : When Josh's mom and brother Danny pop by for a visit,

player at her church, it was a bit tough
to transition to lead guitar that the game
looks for, but she really enjoyed it. So much
so, that she wanted to stay and keep playing!
Go hip, Gramma!
Picture #2 : Round One of cute pink girlie stuff courtesy of the girls from

Robin, Linda, Kristi, etal! Arlene got to see them,
and for nearly every little dress I got the same answer,
"Oh! She's got shoes for this one! Oh, the perfect pair
for that one! Oh, I've already got shoes for that one!"
Turtle-a's going to be a fahionista!
Picture #3 : At the park, I teach Nephew Nico how to play Pente. He looks so serious!

Wide awake.
And I feel like i've been walking in a desert! But after a few glasses of water, my tummy's too full to hold more! T.T What's a Prego to do!?
I got a comment from my sister Ceci about a dear friend from Austin. OMG! I can't believe I didn't even THINK to ask about her. I guess it had just been too long, that it slipped my mind! UNCOOL! I hope she makes it down... with a few of those applesauce cupcakes. I miss those with a passion! They were So good, and would be the frosting of just SEEING her again!
My reply got deleted for a stupid glitch in the blogger system. :( Oh well. The gist of it was that as far as cute party favors go, ask Mom about that. She's already gotten me the cute baggies. We just got to gets the stuff to fill them. Why oh why is Thanksgiving next week, already?! I'm supposed to have another month to get Baby BINGO put together!
Note to self: Cat + Tile Floor = Hours of Fun!
I don't have any video of it, but here's the visual. Cat, laying on the floor, looking completely calm save for the very tip of his tail. That is going haywire. Then, all of a sudden, out of no where, eyes widen, ears flatten, and he's off! Running full-tilt... In place... for 5 seconds. Then suddenly, track sets in and he rockets off... straight into the wall. >.<' At least he didn't dent anything this time. (He'd dented the bathtub at the old place cuz he rocketed across the carpeted house, hit the tile in the guest bath, slipped, and careened directly into the bathtub. Knocked himself out cold too. Josh thought the cat had killed himself.) I never cease to be amused whenever Fuzz gets hyper and starting trying to rocket about the apartment.
94% on the camera download. That's what I get for not downloading off my camera in weeks! And here I was hoping to have tons of pictures for ya'll this time around! Hoping, I'll have the patience to wait until it's done, then photo edit the Turtle-a wave video I took of my tummy one day at work.
Until then, Imma get more to drink. SO THIRSTY!!!!
And I feel like i've been walking in a desert! But after a few glasses of water, my tummy's too full to hold more! T.T What's a Prego to do!?
I got a comment from my sister Ceci about a dear friend from Austin. OMG! I can't believe I didn't even THINK to ask about her. I guess it had just been too long, that it slipped my mind! UNCOOL! I hope she makes it down... with a few of those applesauce cupcakes. I miss those with a passion! They were So good, and would be the frosting of just SEEING her again!
My reply got deleted for a stupid glitch in the blogger system. :( Oh well. The gist of it was that as far as cute party favors go, ask Mom about that. She's already gotten me the cute baggies. We just got to gets the stuff to fill them. Why oh why is Thanksgiving next week, already?! I'm supposed to have another month to get Baby BINGO put together!
Note to self: Cat + Tile Floor = Hours of Fun!
I don't have any video of it, but here's the visual. Cat, laying on the floor, looking completely calm save for the very tip of his tail. That is going haywire. Then, all of a sudden, out of no where, eyes widen, ears flatten, and he's off! Running full-tilt... In place... for 5 seconds. Then suddenly, track sets in and he rockets off... straight into the wall. >.<' At least he didn't dent anything this time. (He'd dented the bathtub at the old place cuz he rocketed across the carpeted house, hit the tile in the guest bath, slipped, and careened directly into the bathtub. Knocked himself out cold too. Josh thought the cat had killed himself.) I never cease to be amused whenever Fuzz gets hyper and starting trying to rocket about the apartment.
94% on the camera download. That's what I get for not downloading off my camera in weeks! And here I was hoping to have tons of pictures for ya'll this time around! Hoping, I'll have the patience to wait until it's done, then photo edit the Turtle-a wave video I took of my tummy one day at work.
Until then, Imma get more to drink. SO THIRSTY!!!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
An Update Long Over Due
I've been far too lax in my updating recently. I supposed because there's been litle drama to report. No news is good news?
But the low-down is that I've had my glucose screenings already, three of them to be exact, and each one is coming out 'normal'. Now, by 'normal' I mean that screening number one, my blood sugars were WAY too high. But I've heard that's true of nearly everyone. Test number two is the one I hate the most. three-four hours of blood work. I go in fasted, they draw blood. I have to drink the orange-fanta glucose soda of doom in five minutes (chug chug chug), then go away for an hour. Come back, draw blood, go away for an hour. Repeat two more times. It's gruelling, as I can't eat and can only have a few sips of water if I get really thirsty. Done at the start of October, what I thought was just going to knock me out for the morning, turned into an afternoon of exhaustion, and I passed out on the sofa shortly after getting home.
The results came back, and while techinically it wasn't diabetis, the fastest blood sugars came back way high, and the rest totally normal, if only a few points off being way too high. It made the doctors stop and think for two full weeks, while they watched my weight and body shape change. I've got the risk factors of being diabetic normally: Hispanic, overweight, and family history (thanks, Dad! :S Couldn't you have kept THAT to yourself?) Plus, I'm carrying my excess body weight (and always have) where diabetics typically carrying it, front and center.
It finally made the doctors want a third test to check if they could diagnosis it, if it was wild swings in my blood sugar or not. In I go for the morning only, 2hour screening. They take blood, I go eat and have a morning with the husband, and go back in two hours later for more blood. That was Monday.
Tuesday, I get a call from the Nurse Aide.
NA: "Good afternoon, Ms. Carranza. The results have come back and they were slightly elevated. We'd like you to come in for another three hour test as soon as possible. Is tomorrow good for you?"
Me: OMG! What? Umm.. let me try to get the day off...
NA: "If tomorrow's not good, we can do on Friday, but we'd really like it tomorrow."
Me: I'll call you back. O.O' OMG! *rush to the bosses office* Simon! Simon! The doctor called. Blood sugars are high again. They want another test tomorrow. It's the same one that knocked me out last time. Can I take the day?
Simon: YES!
Me: *run to call Josh* OMG OMG!! Blood sugars and high and test and-
Josh: This doesn't sound right. I don't want you to have it done until you talk to the DOCTOR.
Me: But-but-but- *insert tears here, cue co-workers staring at me in shock*
Josh: now!
Me: *calls doctor's office back* But-but-but-! I'm going to call the doctor. I have her cell phone.
NA: Okay. I'll pencil you in.
Me: I'm going home now. I've got to figure this out. I'll call in the morning and let everyone know if I'm here or not. I'm really sorry. *cue more tears, cue more estranged looks from the coworkers, stop at the store, get gravy for Josh cuz he's been sick and wants his favorite and I don't have any gravy mix inmy cupboard, get home, get undressed, toss in a load to wash, start in dinner*
Josh: Are you not talking to me?
Me: I'm sorry. I just wasn't loud enough.
Josh: What's wrong? Talk to me.
Me: *cue blubbering about all my fears, including something about feeling like Josh doesn't want me to check up on everything little thing to make sure baby's healthy and-*
Josh: *walks away*
Me: *cue more tears and crying, finish dinner, get it on the table*
We eat in relative silence, then the doctor calls me back.
Doc: What's wrong?
Me: We have questions! Why'd it take so long? Why all these test back to back? What are blood sugars at REALLY? We're confused!
Doc: *explantion on the blood counts and blah* If the last test was high, we'd skip any more tests, and go straight into You Have To Come In Right Away.
Me: Then why do I have to go tomorrow?
Doc: You don't, but I do want the three hour again after the 10th. Who said for you to go in?
Me: The Nurse Aide. She called, said my levels were high and they needed another test right now!
Doc: I'm going to hang her by her toenails. (Editor's note: The doctor didn't ACTUALLY say she was going to hang the poor Nurse Aide by the toenails, but she WAS pretty upset.) That is NOT what she was supposed to have told you! The results were normal! The fasted one was two points off adnormal and the 2hours after food was completely normal. The further along you get, the less tolerant your body becomes of glucose and the higher the chances of gestational diabetis. So, a repeat teh three hour 1 month after the first 3 hour and that is the nail in the coffin. (The pendejo in the coffin!! Inside joke, sorry.)
Me: Oh, so.. I'm fine?
Doc: Yes.
Me: And nothing's wrong?
Doc: No! *chuckle* You worry too much. That's why I had left clear instructions that they were to call you with a CLEAR result and that just to be formal and final, the next 3 hour needs to be some time after the 10th.
Me: Oh, thank god. I was panicking.
Doc: I could tell. Sorry it caused problems. I'll be /talking/ to Nurse's Aide in the morning.... TRUST ME.
Me: okay.
Whew. Still some tensions, hurtful words, and what nots, but at least THAT drama is behind us.
Now, back to party planning. OMG! Where am I going to find cute little party favors for all my party guests that won't cost my poor mother a rib?! -worry, again!-
But the low-down is that I've had my glucose screenings already, three of them to be exact, and each one is coming out 'normal'. Now, by 'normal' I mean that screening number one, my blood sugars were WAY too high. But I've heard that's true of nearly everyone. Test number two is the one I hate the most. three-four hours of blood work. I go in fasted, they draw blood. I have to drink the orange-fanta glucose soda of doom in five minutes (chug chug chug), then go away for an hour. Come back, draw blood, go away for an hour. Repeat two more times. It's gruelling, as I can't eat and can only have a few sips of water if I get really thirsty. Done at the start of October, what I thought was just going to knock me out for the morning, turned into an afternoon of exhaustion, and I passed out on the sofa shortly after getting home.
The results came back, and while techinically it wasn't diabetis, the fastest blood sugars came back way high, and the rest totally normal, if only a few points off being way too high. It made the doctors stop and think for two full weeks, while they watched my weight and body shape change. I've got the risk factors of being diabetic normally: Hispanic, overweight, and family history (thanks, Dad! :S Couldn't you have kept THAT to yourself?) Plus, I'm carrying my excess body weight (and always have) where diabetics typically carrying it, front and center.
It finally made the doctors want a third test to check if they could diagnosis it, if it was wild swings in my blood sugar or not. In I go for the morning only, 2hour screening. They take blood, I go eat and have a morning with the husband, and go back in two hours later for more blood. That was Monday.
Tuesday, I get a call from the Nurse Aide.
NA: "Good afternoon, Ms. Carranza. The results have come back and they were slightly elevated. We'd like you to come in for another three hour test as soon as possible. Is tomorrow good for you?"
Me: OMG! What? Umm.. let me try to get the day off...
NA: "If tomorrow's not good, we can do on Friday, but we'd really like it tomorrow."
Me: I'll call you back. O.O' OMG! *rush to the bosses office* Simon! Simon! The doctor called. Blood sugars are high again. They want another test tomorrow. It's the same one that knocked me out last time. Can I take the day?
Simon: YES!
Me: *run to call Josh* OMG OMG!! Blood sugars and high and test and-
Josh: This doesn't sound right. I don't want you to have it done until you talk to the DOCTOR.
Me: But-but-but- *insert tears here, cue co-workers staring at me in shock*
Josh: now!
Me: *calls doctor's office back* But-but-but-! I'm going to call the doctor. I have her cell phone.
NA: Okay. I'll pencil you in.
Me: I'm going home now. I've got to figure this out. I'll call in the morning and let everyone know if I'm here or not. I'm really sorry. *cue more tears, cue more estranged looks from the coworkers, stop at the store, get gravy for Josh cuz he's been sick and wants his favorite and I don't have any gravy mix inmy cupboard, get home, get undressed, toss in a load to wash, start in dinner*
Josh: Are you not talking to me?
Me: I'm sorry. I just wasn't loud enough.
Josh: What's wrong? Talk to me.
Me: *cue blubbering about all my fears, including something about feeling like Josh doesn't want me to check up on everything little thing to make sure baby's healthy and-*
Josh: *walks away*
Me: *cue more tears and crying, finish dinner, get it on the table*
We eat in relative silence, then the doctor calls me back.
Doc: What's wrong?
Me: We have questions! Why'd it take so long? Why all these test back to back? What are blood sugars at REALLY? We're confused!
Doc: *explantion on the blood counts and blah* If the last test was high, we'd skip any more tests, and go straight into You Have To Come In Right Away.
Me: Then why do I have to go tomorrow?
Doc: You don't, but I do want the three hour again after the 10th. Who said for you to go in?
Me: The Nurse Aide. She called, said my levels were high and they needed another test right now!
Doc: I'm going to hang her by her toenails. (Editor's note: The doctor didn't ACTUALLY say she was going to hang the poor Nurse Aide by the toenails, but she WAS pretty upset.) That is NOT what she was supposed to have told you! The results were normal! The fasted one was two points off adnormal and the 2hours after food was completely normal. The further along you get, the less tolerant your body becomes of glucose and the higher the chances of gestational diabetis. So, a repeat teh three hour 1 month after the first 3 hour and that is the nail in the coffin. (The pendejo in the coffin!! Inside joke, sorry.)
Me: Oh, so.. I'm fine?
Doc: Yes.
Me: And nothing's wrong?
Doc: No! *chuckle* You worry too much. That's why I had left clear instructions that they were to call you with a CLEAR result and that just to be formal and final, the next 3 hour needs to be some time after the 10th.
Me: Oh, thank god. I was panicking.
Doc: I could tell. Sorry it caused problems. I'll be /talking/ to Nurse's Aide in the morning.... TRUST ME.
Me: okay.
Whew. Still some tensions, hurtful words, and what nots, but at least THAT drama is behind us.
Now, back to party planning. OMG! Where am I going to find cute little party favors for all my party guests that won't cost my poor mother a rib?! -worry, again!-
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