Friday, January 16, 2009

Clau Blog: we're home (quick update)

okay, i have a few moments to do something resembling an update.

on friday, the daycare had reported a fever late in the day. 100degrees. so, i watched her that night and was awake almost the whole time, holding her and giving her tylenol for a 103degree fever.we bathed her to cool her off and waited for morning. 8am, 102degree fever, giant pimple on her butt that makes her cry all the time. (she's not a crying baby, so we knew something was up) we went to the doctor at 9am. he was worried about the boil, and the slightest wheezing in her chest since both parents have asthma in their family history. he sent us to the ER to have the boil lanced and to have her tested for RSV. RSV is a childhood respiratory illness caused by the virus that in adults gives us the common head cold. (Llune, you know, the one that gives me bronchitis on a yearly basis? yeah, that one) as soon as we tell the ER nurse that the doctor ordered an RSV check, the boil became a non-issue, which was annoying since that's why we went in there, but i suppose breathing is more important. 11hrs later and they admit us for 24hr observation. the boil ruptures on its own; they culture the puss. it's MRSA. MRSA is a nasty bacteria that's highly contagious. she's put on antibiotics for every, given chest xrays and the waiting begins. sunday. monday. tuesday - "we were hoping you could go home today, but we need to keep her another night cuz we want to watch that boil some more. it's not dried up yet". wednesday - "she's still having fevers? we don't know why. here's a new antibiotic. we need her another day. if she doesn't run a fever within the next 24hrs, you can go home." thursday - no fever? no fever. no fever? no fever. no fever? no Fever!! We can go home.

she spent nearly two HOURS running around everything in her room, grabbing things then pointing to her chest, giving said random item a hug before putting it back on the shelf and moving for the next item.

we're all so relieved to be home.

now, i'm going to shower in MY shower....
get into MY bed....
and sleep in the same said bed as my husband instead of in a crappy hospital bed while he crashes on the pull out sofa sleep BS they had for him....
AND i won't be having nurses wake in every hour, flipping on the lights, checking vitals, making things beep, and generally just waking me up so that all i do is worry more....

nope, tonight, i'm going to SLEEP.

tomorrow, it's back to the office. aaaaaaaaaaaand.... i have to get Monday off for a check up... :S
...and Tuesday too I think so I can take Hubby to the dentist; wisdom tooth extraction (finally, I won't be the only fool in the house!) :D haha! have some sherbet!

good night!

1 comment:

Ceci said...

Hope the last few weeks have been so much bette than all that! Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow, babe. HUG.

Oh, and here, I found a website where they love Thursdays as much as you do!