Saturday night was Bout #1 of Season #1 for the South Texas Rolleristas! God damn am I excited!! This exciting to have contact with something like this, and better, to know that I was skating and will be skating with them. I'm on medical leave to care for Turtle-a for the time being and I simply can't wait to get back to the wheels. Anyway. The bout between the Fallout Brigade and the Traumakazees was badass! I didn't know who to scream for, so I screamed and cheered for EVERYONE! Thank you to Kitty Glitter and my hubby for taking pictures and video from the bout. I helped too by working the merchandise booth. Pistol Kitten called me a Merch Whore. Well, I can't help if I like selling things, can I?
I have so many pictures and videos, I want to find the best ones, and do a good update, but there's housework to do, and I've taken my break. back to work for me! More updates, soonish?
That sounds so FUN! Can't wait to see more pics. :) Guess what my monkeyboy did today?? He came and told me, "I have to go," and pulled me by the hand to his potty chair. He pulled his diaper off by himself and sat down. Aaaand that was it, but he washed his hands afterwards AND demanded underwear instead of a diaper. He's got the idea. ;) Now, if I can just get him to pee in the potty chair instead of the underwear...
LOL!! Hilarious! But what an achievement. maybe those transition pampers?
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