And now, a few more pictures!
And now a view fr
om the outside. YIKES! I look HUGE! Beached whale, anyone? This
was from this past Saturday after a LONG day of moving in. Kristi was helping me learn the features on my camera, and we were playing with the black and white option. She helped me 'pose' and smoothed out my shirt. I'm only starting month five here, so what the hell? I guess, that's what I get for being pudgy, ne? While I look like a whale, Kristi... well, looks like a freakin' super model. Look at that!!! Sick.

Girly bits!! Squeee! hehehe, when we did that sonogram on Brent, we saw a turtle. (Picture it.)
And Clau, holy God. You're not gonna be able to move during the last couple of months... I'm scared for you. :)
well, I, unlike you, did not power chug a bottle of root beer right before. Turtle-a aka Lori aka Mini-Moose was calm and sedate. Mooning the camera, but sedate. Hand under cheek, sucking thumb, and wiggling on my ovary, but sedate.
But, I'm a little worried too. She was 11oz at that sonogram. I'm so big already, and Josh says, "I think the saying goes you ain't seen nothin' yet."
He was 9lbs 13oz at birth.
That means, she's only a 10th as heavy as she could eventually become.
Pray now.
The not green!!!!! ok maby a little.
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