On to the moving.

BW and his wife Barbara, Jonathan and his wife Vanity (I was playing with the black and white options after the move during the thank-you party), and Josh's brother Danny and his wife Kritsy.
My mom joined us as well, but I didn't get a picture of her. *cry* We did our best to get everything

started by 10am, but as is typical for us, we got started late. By about 11am or so, the two trucks that had been offered to us to get the furniture moved showed up and the loading began in earnest.
Mom and I went to the new apartment ahead of the group to be
ready to direct traffic and see to the cleaning of all the stuff. Luckily, we were not alone. Grey and Brian showed up (no photos available) to help unload and clean. The cleaning, I might add, was an ordeal.
The old house, The Trailer, was infested with those tiny little

brown cockaroaches. We had two types. We had the long skinny kind and the short fat, shiny, black and brown kinds. I'd search the internet for pictures of them, but honestly, I hope I never see one again. *shudder*
They were in EVERYTHING! The computers. The TV. The sofas. The books. The CDs. The ROUTER!!!! It was horrendous. I hated it. And the mold and mildew in the trailer. UGH! The front door's weather stripping was... well, I don't think it even
had weather stripping. Whenever it would rain, water would get in. Then it

would get hot. Mold city. And Josh is allergic. -sigh- BW would clean and spray and vacuum. I vacuumed too. The area rug, the sofas a little bit too.
Once items had cleared "inspection" they got dusted again, sprayed with antibacterials, then directed into the apartment. I was on traffic control detail early on. Box there, box here, chair there. Mom spent the day washing dishes and doing the urgent laundry. Vanity and I took time to 'rest' by sorting, folding, and hanging the already clean laundry.
But what, you ask, does the new apartment
look like? Well, I'm SO glad you asked! :)

Here's the living room as seen from the front door. Josh is sitting at his computer and mine just finished booting up. There's still a few boxes lingering about. But that's to be expected. Off the living room is a small hallway where to two bedrooms are located. The door we see here is the door to baby's room.
I have more pictures, but I have to reformat them to portrait, otherwise they'll look all sideways crazy.
Until then, enjoy the fruits of my new digital camera!!