Sunday, July 8, 2007


I know I said I've had a few sonograms already and I was just waiting to figure out my scanner. Well, I finally figured it out, so here you go, Clauie-Fans! Offical Baby Picture Number One.

By the looks of it, Baby aka Turtle-O likes being upside-down. Turtle-O is very low down right now, that verticle line right under Turtle-O's head being the vahjayjay. According to Aunt Debbie, that means a very big baby. Well, seeing the father's a small Hill Giant, that would make sense.

So, there you go, folks. My first real baby picture that looks like something more than a turle-esque blob.

Hope you enjoyed. And now back to your regularly scheduled web-surfing.


PK aka Arlene said...

I see your VA-JAY-JAY! OMG that baby is beautiful! And that head...that's the biggest head I've ever seen in a sonogram picture! You've got your work cut out for you...I'd place my order for a C-section ASAP! Anywho, I tried to call you Saturday, just to see how you're doing. You didn't answer...I'll try again!


Claudia Carranza said...

Yes, do call again. I was on the beach this weekend burning to a crisp and learning to fish. I actually caught something... It was seaweed, but I caught something! ^.^

It really is that big? *^^* I'm overwhelmed still.