Friday, June 27, 2008

Monterrey Moose

Naughty, Mommy! Hasn't updated in who knows how long! People are starting to wonder what I've been up to and all of that!

Oh, I guess we should tell them what you did too, huh Mommy?

Well, you left me for a week, while you went to party in Monterrey, Mexico. Alright, so you didn't party. You were working, but still!

Though you did get back and tell me all about the mountains you saw. They sounded really big!

I even started crawling while you were away Mommy.

But more on me later! ;)


PK aka Arlene said...

Lori, It has been a month! An entire month with no updates on how you are doing, how you like school, what you've been up to this summer, etc. Let her know I need pictures, videos and play by plays...they make me happy! The lighten my day. They give me something to look forward too! But also let her know that I know she's busy so I understand if she can't do it often. Love you both!

Ceci said...

Woo! I didn't hear about Monterrey! Hope you had a great time, even if you were working. :)