Thursday, February 28, 2008

LORI BLOG: What, Dad? What?!

Lori's Blog Update

What? Huh? You have my attentions.

Oh? I'm pretty? Yes, I know.

Oh? I'm beautiful. Yes, I know that too.

No, I'm not a stinky baby anymore. You just changed my diaper. (Thank you!)

Yes, I'm all ready for derby now! But when are you going to keep working on my snap shot? Where's my sword, dammit? I have my skates!

And honestly, that one-zee is still too big for me. There's tons of OTHER clothes I could wear, a few I haven't even put on yet. Are you sure they still fit? And I'll prolly need new dress shoes soon. Those black ones are going to be too small in another month at best.

So, I'm glad we had this little sit-down heart-to-heart, Dad. Now, about that bib you got me. Mom said I could have a necklace...
I did not! Don't get me in trouble, Lori!

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