Or, rather, plumbing.
My daughter has her pipes crossed, so it seems.
Today, she wet her diaper. Not news worthing in and of itself, but when we went to change teh diaper, the front was completely dry. The back (and consequently her back and onesie) was wet.
Just this evening, she gave us a big ol' stinky poopie-diaper. Granted, we were overjoyed. It'd been over a day since she'd given us a poopie-diaper. (Apparently, she takes after me in the frequency of number 2. Her father, on the other hand, leaves a desposit after every meal.) What was special about this particular poopie-diaper was that the back of her diaper was clean, and the front was a mess. So much so that it coated her from poopie-diaper to armpits.
My girl has talent.
And crossed pipes.
PS: Vibrating bouncers rock at making her go poopie.
PSS: The movie Enchanted may have helped too.
PSSS: Plans are under way toward making her Baptismal gown. And Gramma brought me the raw materials. Only, I had asked for one wedding dress, not three holy communion dresses, but, beggars can't be choosers. I have beads a plenty. All I need now is some very pale pink satin ribbon. $1.88 per spool at Wal*Mart.