Friday, October 5, 2007

It's raining Babies!

Well, presents, at least.

It's about that time to think baby showers.

I've got two scheduled. The co-ed family only one on Thanksgiving Day, and the GIRLS ONLY pink-extravaganza on Dec 1st.

Guys, don't worry. I'm not leaving you out. I've got a pool hall 5 mins from the baby shower locale all scoped out for you to buy Josh a round of Shiner Bock.

Watch for details soon.

On the update front, I'm getting BIGGER, I'm feeling ok most of the time, and I'm really starting to feel her KICK. She's kicks hard enough to make my head shake. O.O!!

Much Love.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait! Ana is planning her time off, too. I'll talk to Dad and Mamash about convoying with us. Hey, is my monkey invited to the Pink Extravaganza? I'll be bringing him with me!

Anonymous said...

But...but...but... Monkey's... a BOY!!!!

okay, i guess he can come too... but only to keep my Turtle-a company! LOL

wait! That sounded wrong!!!

-Clauie at work

Anonymous said...

If you want, we can send him to play pool and drink beer with the boys!

PK aka Arlene said...

Turtle-a ROCKS! Pink! I'm so excited about pink! I've already started her shoe collection. Next, cute outfits to go with the shoes! Sooo excited. I love shopping for baby stuffs.

Claudia Carranza said...

Nah. Pool and Beer with the guys got cancelled. Josh thinks 4pm is too early to start drinking. Instead, he'll take a halo3 party at our place after wards.