Okay, so here's my first update on this blogger site. I'd started this blog years ago, actually, to house my IC stuff from HFS, but then had forgotten about it. LOL Oops. And then I was browsing my sisters' blogs and went 'wait a minute!!!!' So, off I went to try to relocate this blog and get it ready.... Now, to get up the energy to get my house ready. T.T
Alright, so here it goes. Firstly, let's start off with cut and paste from the LiveJournal I was using...
May 17th, 2007
06:09 pm
After a Long Quiet Spell
*dusts off the live journal*
Geez, Lew-eez. I'm glad this is still here.
Well, for those of you I haven't called or haven't gotten my voice mails: I found out this afternoon that I am pregnant.
First one ever.
Everyone's excited.
I'm ...well, I'm tired LOL... and excited too. So, over the next 9 months or so, I'm hoping to keep a log of the ups and downs and insanity of it all.
I need a digital camera! ^.^
And no, Mom, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet! Goodness!
Current Mood: ecstatic
2007-05-18 02:06 am
SQUEEE! *HUGS* So happy for you! Digital camera is a must! And updates! *bounce bounce bounce*
2007-05-18 06:13 am UTC
yay! congrats!! :D
2007-05-18 08:58 pm UTC
Yay! Congrats! keep me posted. :D:D:D:D:D
May 18th, 2007
05:56 pm
Well, after 1 day...
...I'm still as excited about it as yesterday. I'm still sick to my stomach for everything, and I'm still dizzy and tired. I wonder, did I expect for everything to go away once told? I think the adrenaline from getting apositive test result back is to blame.
OMG There's so much to do! Cleaning, and packing, and sorting.... Josh wants a new house, I do too. -sigh-
Pray for us! :)
Current Mood: hungry
2007-05-19 03:45 am UTC (link) DeleteFreezeScreenTrack This Select
Hon, you are all kinds of in my prayers. *hugs* Hopefully things will get better once you're used to it.
catrysa (me!)
2007-05-19 01:18 pm
Yeah. But at least, when i get dizzy and sick, I can smile about it. It means I'm going to be a mommy. The aches will be worth it.
I'm just going to miss the skating and the fighting. I was actually getting into a rhythm with it all. I asked Ceci about the skating, she said it would be okay. Josh said absolutely not. No risks. Wah! But, I'm gratful my mommy's agreed to join me on sundays to swim.
May 19th, 2007
09:21 pm
Today: I made a spine. (okay, not REALLY)
and boy am i tired!
I'm thinking I'm about here:

Week 5:
Pregnancy symptoms may surface this week if they haven't already. If you're like most women, you'll notice nausea (and not just in the morning), sore breasts, fatigue, and frequent urination. All are normal, all are annoying, but the upside is that they're all a part of being pregnant and won't last forever. The outside world won't see any sign of the dramatic developments taking place inside you — except maybe that you're turning down that glass of wine with dinner.
Thank you, http://www.babycenter.com/mybabycenter/105.html and Ceci for mentioning this site.
Nausea, check.
Not just in the morning, omg check!
sore breasts, check (damn fighter's practice - ps: chillax people, i didn't know I was expecting. I found out until the day after!).
fatigue, check. (coupled with weird-ass dizzy spells)
frequent urination, brb! bio-break! ;)
Okay, so I was told on Thrusday, got the website newsletter thingie friday, and my first letter today. :)
So I read up, and well... It really sounds like I'm wk5, but what i'm feeling. I'll know for certain next week.
In the mean time, I'm making a spine, so no one bug me.
I think I'm going to go and rest more. This is hard work.
PS: If you want to come over and clean my house, I'm not saying no! LOL ;)
Current Mood: artistic
2007-05-20 04:18 pm UTC
have you put any thought about where you're going to have the baby? gwen and i had beatrix at holy family birthing center in weslaco and we had a water birth. the nurses and midwives there are so good at what they do and the water birth was an awesome experience. i always recommend that place to everyone expecting because we had such a positive and wonderful experience there.
you should look into it. :)
catrysa (ME!)
2007-05-20 05:59 pm UTC
No actually, we hadn't yet, but I do want the natural birth and I saw a discvoery channel thing on water births and it did look really cool. Will you tell me more about it? What was it like?
(PS: Added note - I'm still waiting for an answer. Anyone reading this got experience with a water birth they'd like to share? Add a Comment!)
May 20th, 2007
12:24 am
Oh, thank god...
Abdominal Pain or Cramping
Causes of Normal Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy
Some short-term achiness in the belly is normal during pregnancy. Severe cramping or pain never is. Don't hesitate to call your health care provider when you feel strong pain, especially if your pain doesn’t go away or if you also have cramps, bleeding from your vagina, fever, chills, lightheadedness, faintness, or discharge from your vagina.
There are different causes for mild achiness or pain in the abdomen during the different stages of pregnancy. For example:
* Implantation. Many women have low, period-like pain or cramps for a day or so early in pregnancy around the time the embryo is embedding itself in the lining of the uterus.
I was starting to get REALLY nervous, especially after this evening.
I was lying down on the sofa, sleeping tv on my back. the cat came over to lay down near me, but crawled on my belly. I told him no softly and moved my hand to push him away as he started to kitty-paw, but then he surprised me by jumping.. off my belly..
I'm SO angry at him. And so nervous. I've been achy like cramping but not as bad, just an ache... Have since this morning, but it's been a bit more insistant since this afternoon.
Okay, I think everything is okay. I'll watch for anything that seems... not right, the pain getting worse, or bleeding. I'll go see a doctor if that happens.
Damn, I'm SO worried.
Current Mood: worried
May 21st, 2007
08:31 pm
I'm officially 5weeks, and everything's okay. :D
{Added Note: I broke down and saw a doctor here cause the cramps were turning into sharp stabbing pains. No blood, but I was still so scared!!! But, everything's okay and he confirmed that I'm about 5 weeks. Thanks, BabyCenter.com!)
May 22nd, 2007
07:40 pm
Baby Blog Moved
Just cause this other blogger is MORE powerful than livejournal, also free, and gives me more opciones.....
You have been warned!
PS: Spam replies here if you want on my email distribution list that i've started and can't find for notices on updates on that blog. will notify here too.. if I can remmeber!
Current Mood: chipper
07:12 am
screw you, body
you made me vomit once.
not again.
vitamn B6, here I come!
Current Mood: determined
2007-05-22 03:19 pm UTC
Awww... hehehe... You show that body who's boss!
2007-05-23 12:40 am UTC
yeah. I'm making a vomit counter.
Today's count: 2
BUHAHAHA! Screw you body!
(Added Note: I mean.. I love you body! I do!! I'm not overconfident about being able to force you to do or not do something. Really! Honest! I'm a good girl! I take my vitamins! I drink my water, and nummy milk. I'm not over eating... I'm being good!! Please don't make me yak again! Please? Pretty please? With... ah.. something nummy on top? Something I'm not going to think about becuase I'm feeling sick!? Please! Make the bad-mouth-watering, throat-tensing, pre-yak factor go away! I love you!!!!)
Which brings me to my next item fot update - Today's Vomit Counter!
Today's Vomit Count is 2.
(and I love you body! Please can we keep it at two?! Pweeeeeeze?! *beg, plead, whine*
Okay, so aside from my stomach and I trying to work out a peace treaty, I think I have to fire my doctor. Not because of the doctor, but because of his staff and the stress they are putting on me. I will NOT see a doctor whose entire staff is not COMPLETELY focused on making ME as comfortable and relaxed as possible. I da baby havin' da baby! Gotta love ME! (and love my upset tummy so the cease-fire may continue another.. oh.. 9 months!)
And now, some things to look FORWARD to:
Love is in the Heart : According to BabyCenter.com, at 6 weeks "Your baby's heart (which is starting to divide into the right and left chambers) is beating about 100 to 130 beats per minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to circulate through her body." OMG! A heartbeat!! That's only 1 week away!! I'm so excited!! But, could we hear it? Won't it be too small? I mean, according to that website, the baby'll only be the size of a lentil (ew. I HATE lentejas!), 4-5 mm long.... won't the beats be too muffled by the rest of my organs talkin'?
The Great Rollercoaster of Life : Yay for mood swings! As if I wasn't unstable enough, throw in some good ol' pregger-hormones into the mix. It's a ticking time-bomb waiting for a beach-towel movie... or even just the sound of a phone ringing. Oh, this OUGHT to be interesting!
Well, I think that's all folks. :) Here's to looking forward to some sonogram pics soon!
PS: Entrelac! Can I have that old camera of yours? <3 I love you!!!! *smoochies*