Friday, September 28, 2007

Before I Update Fully...

My thoughts to Mr. Obama:

I just wanted to say that the sound bites I'm hearing on the radio regarding Mr. Obama's views on the issues brought forth by the Jena 6 are moronic. I may have wrong information, but I have been under the impression that while the whites hung nooses, which granted is disgusting, the blacks nearly beat someone to death? The whites expressed their freedom of speech, albeit in a way that leaves quite the foul taste in my mouth and has me questioning the lack of consideration and respect taught to them by their parents, the blacks violated a Law. Is it not, then, reasonable for the blacks to get a harsher punishment, seeing as it was an actual crime? The cries of racism are idiotic and petty and are only making things worse. What support Mr. Obama had won in my husband and I over his views of the Iraq War now finds itself broken by Mr. Obama's leap for the bandwagon.
-as posted to his feedback website.

Josh for President, 2016! Just your guy next door, tired of the Big Dogs that only want to play politics for their own gains. Fuck you, here's my HONEST opinion.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

For the Rolleristas

A promotional video for my girls on the Fallout Brigade.
Leave a comment and tell me what you think!

Much love, Mama Moose.